10 au 14 Mars - March 10 to 14th

Camp de relache de Mars | March break Camp

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30 Juin au 15 Août - June 30 to August 15

Camp d'été | Summer Camp

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Our team has worked hard during the summer to prepare a program the students deserve. We analyzed the progress of our students during the previous school year and came up with better additions to our programs to facilitate and improve their learning process.


Being a mother, educator and educational designer, the founder, makes the learning journey of each child a priority by creating an engaging system that is tailored to each student according to their learning style and their strength.
The learner will be able to increase their knowledge and motivation to learn in French.

We are a team of passionate educators. We work with students of all ages helping them improve and develop the basic tools necessary to succeed, in French, in their school environment and in their daily lives.


Our tutoring service is used by students from all levels. Some need coaching, help and structure in different school subjects while learning and improving their knowledge of the French language. Others take our services for a short term learning curve or on a continuous learning option to learn and master the french language and various school subjects.


We approach learning differently. Using our tools, games, hands-on and interactive exercises we make the learning process fun for our students.